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  1. yes it works, but the problem occurs when I restart the pc and everything gets ruined again. Now I have to try the option you recommended "system enhanced " and see how it goes
  2. thank you so much for the support
  3. here it is
  4. I did all your steps, only that when I go to click with the left mouse button on the panel and move it to the small monitor, the size changes automatically even if the settings show 1920x480. I attach some photos to help you understand. What else can I do?I did all your steps, only that when I go to click with the left mouse button on the panel and move it to the small monitor, the size changes automatically even if the settings show 1920x480. I attach some photos to make you understand. It's as if it takes the Windows resizing of the main monitor, what else can I do to try to solve it?I did all your steps, only that when I go to click with the left mouse button on the panel and move it to the small monitor, the size changes automatically even if the settings show 1920x480. I'm attaching some photos to help you understand. It's as if it takes the Windows resizing of the main monitor. That when I switch from one screen to another or move the sensor panel that is on the 8.8 inch screen a little, it's as if the dimensions change. What else can I do to try to solve it?
  5. Yes it is a resizing problem because by setting all the screens to 100% the problem does not exist. I also performed the "DPI Compatibility Mode" correction which is already active but every time I restart the PC I find the screen moved to the edge of the 8.8 inch monitor and as soon as I move it slightly it resizes to 125%. What else can I do?
  6. thank you very much, I will try to explain myself better. In short, now I have a problem with the various templates, that is, every time I restart the PC and open aida64, I find the sensorpanel moved even if I have the panel locked. How can I make it always appear on the 8.8 inch screen centered? I'll post some photos in case I didn't explain myself well
  7. thank you very much for the support, finally I managed to center everything, but now I only have one problem. In short when I go to insert the sensorpannel on the 8.8 inch monitor with a resolution of 1920x480, the sensorpannel is longer than the main one. The main monitor is a qwhd so it has a resolution of 2560x1440 zoomed to 125 from windows. If I set the scaling of the main monitor to 100% it can be seen well on the small monitor instead with 125% no. how can I leave the scaling at 125% for the main one and at the same time make the sensorpannel work
  8. hello thanks a lot for the support. Finally with your guide I managed to get everything right, but now I have only one problem. In short when I go to insert the sensorpannel on the 8.8 inch monitor with the resolution 1920x480, the sensorpanel is longer than the monitor making it go on the main monitor, how can I make it fit from the small monitor?
  9. Ragazzi ho bisogno del vostro aiuto, ho un problema con i template aida64 in risoluzione 1920x480, il problema è che in qualsiasi template di questa risoluzione tutti i numeri, le lettere e gli sfondi si muovono e non sono centrati come quelli che vedo qui. Come posso fare? Grazie mille per il vostro aiuto Ho pubblicato alcune foto di esempio, vengono tutte così quando imposto la risoluzione del pannello a 1920x480, il mio schermo è da 8,8 pollici . Grazie mille per il tuo aiuto.
  10. Guys I need your help, I have a problem with aida64 templates in 1920x480 resolution, the problem is that any template of this resolution all the numbers, letters and backgrounds move and are not centered like the ones I see here. How can I do? thank you very much for your help I posted some example photos, they all come out like this when I set the panel resolution to 1920x480 Grazie mille per il vostro aiuto
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