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  1. This didn't work for me, I don't have a "video memory utilization" option, does it matter that I am using an AMD card?
  2. I have had a little play but I really am struggling to find the right options, Could you have a little look below and tell me what options are supposed to go with each setting please? Does it change anything that I have an AMD GPU?
  3. Yeah I figured as much but any help you can provide on how I am supposed to do that would really help since I just downloaded that sensor pack and everything else just works automatically.
  4. Yeah that just works, the GPU VRAM doesnt seem to be working though, do you know how to fix that?
  5. I am really new to these sensor panels and my new PC came with this one installed, however I cannot seem to get the FPS counter and the GPU VRam to work. If anyone could help that would be brilliant, Many thanks! Mark. https://imgur.com/JsqTJAo
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