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  1. Hi everyone, I am having an issue with my instance of AIDA64 where it loads automatic at windows startup and it never displays the sensor panel in a proper way. To give more details: I have 3 monitors from which the 3rd one is the one i have my sensor panel on and these are the preferences i am using I have noticed that when Aida loads, my monitor is black and/or the sensor panel shows up on my main monitor. In other cases sensor panel shows nowhere and i have to uncheck/check the "Show SensorPanel" option. If i close and rerun Aida, everything goes back to normal, so i was wondering if there is some sort of way to delay automatic load of Aida every time Windows starts by a minute or two? Regards
  2. Subscribed as well. Are there any Black Friday discounts currently (before November ends)?
  3. My first attempt in the work of AIDA64 sensor panels. Credits for the frames, an icon which i resized and recolored,the majority of placeholders style and position which are from Simplify panel (red-red version) go exclusively to @Exhumed who is a great creator and the owner of the Simplify panel i mentioned and got the idea from. The panel can be found at creator's gallery https://postimg.cc/gXSjBmyj Mine is scaled down a bit to fit 1280x400 and here is the end result after a few hours of work. I used only the sensor readings i consider them to be "important" to me and i colored them based on what feels comfortable to look at since it's a very tight resolution to work with. The design is very simple and adequate. It can also be pleasant to read without the frames as well. I might experiment with different color combos but for now that will do it. Cheers
  4. Is it possible to revert the resolution for horizontal view 1280x400 instead?
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