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Everything posted by TheFreak666

  1. Hi all, I am really new to this and going to send my 1920x720 pannel back and swap it for a 1920x480. Any recommendations for pannels. I live in Australia and will more then likely go via amazon, unless anyone knows good reputable places in Aus. Taa Ryan
  2. Apologies for the typo in my written section; I meant to write 1920x720. Thank you for picking this up. Ill start to have a play around with the advice you just gave and try converting some. Much appreciated
  3. Thank you CostaJunior, I did have a look via that method and had the same outcome as you. I appreciate you trying and looking for me
  4. Hi all, I am a complete newbie to Aida64 and sensor pannels. I recently purchased this 12.3in (1920x720) panel and got it up and running. Problem is I cannot seem to find any template for this size and resolution. I know I should have done my research first and gotten a different size panel. I have been playing around with some template I have downloaded here (thanks everyone) but cannot get any to fit. I was wondering if anyone wouldnt mind sharing a template, even a basic one so that I can see what it should look like and begin playing around more. Thanks Ryan
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