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  1. I've got a nice sensor panel setup that I put together on a separate little 1920 x 480. I run three 3840 x 2160 monitors side by side, and the little screen is mounted inside my rig, and positioned to top right of the rightmost screen in Display Settings. When I first put it together I moved it to that panel and it fit perfectly. And it would load correctly onto that screen when the application would load on Windows Startup. Then suddenly one day, it started loading onto the upper left corner of the right side 4k screen. In the options menu I have pinned the sensor panel to the 1920 x 480 screen and locked the panel size and position, but every time the computer starts now, it loads on the wrong monitor and the the sensor panel settings reflect that it has been pinned to the wrong monitor. I'm at my wits end trying to understand why it's doing this and how to fix it. And especially why it worked fine for a while and then suddenly didn't.
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