ok thanks, that seems to work.
next question is do I need to selec any other settings in the Preferences -> Sensorpanel settings like keep panel topmost, prevent from being minimized, lock panel in position, lock panel size?
Thank you for this.
As for points above, I do not have scaling at 100% as I am running Samsung Neo G9 which is a dual 4K screen and everything would be too small, I have scaling set to 150%.
So how do I make it work ? I change the scaling to 100%, create the sensor panel. Save it all. Restart. Change scaling back to 150% and then start Aida and it will work in correct scaling?
Is it saying I can not ever run a higher scaling if I want to use the sensor panels and I have to be always at 100%?
This is awesome but can someone help me please? I am new to this.
My panel is 1920x480.
So I downloaded the zip and unpacked. Then I go to Aida and Sensor Panel manager (I already have the sensor panel resolution set to 1920x480) and then I select all items in sensorpanel manager and delete everything so its all clean. Then I click import and select the downloaded sensor panel and then this is where the problems start.
This is the sensorpanel I get :
So it enlarged it 2880x720 , none of the sensors are in right spots. Why is this happening? This seems to be with any 1920x480 panel I load.
What am I doing wrong ? Can someone help please?