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  1. Thanks - much appreciated.
  2. Been working on some ideas, one being stacked gauges, the other is using two "sweeps" inside a gauge. The top gauge face shows what it would look like with each gauge at the max limit. Can't decide if I like this look or not. I'm still learning graphics design and this is a slow process for me. So, soliciting thoughts before I keep at this one. Couldn't make the one above work for me, so I went a somewhat different direction
  3. I wanted to use my own gauge instead of flat out borrowing someone else's idea. So after a bit of struggling, today I changed the gauge faces and cleaned up some font differences and added a few bits. I am calling this "Part B" since there is really little new. Part B.sensorpanel
  4. I made my first panel. But have to admit I used the custom gauges from XYZ CAM (hope that's the right way to give credit where credit is due). Just got my 515X1920 panel for the Hyte Y60 case installed 2 days ago. Critiques are always welcomed. 1st Attempt.sensorpanel
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