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  1. I understand that due to the dynamic factors that you mentioned, there is no way to guarantee that a given NIC will be at the same index every time the system is booted. But a NIC has so many other properties that you can use as an identifier, such as physical address and description. Can't we use these? All I want to do is to track the DL and UL rates of my WIFI card. I don't use Ethernet. AIDA64 already kind of "knows" which NIC is the WIFI card because it's the only NIC with the WLAN Signal Strength property. I think that although it is not a feature right now, this issue should at least be acknowledged as fixable.
  2. You have summarised the problem perfectly, and I have the exact same problem and come to the same conclusion. It's a shame that AIDA64 devs are refusing to acknowledge this problem, and continuing to use the coding footgun that is reliance on indexes rather than IDs.
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