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Everything posted by ricem

  1. Super, magnifique.....j'adore.
  2. Goog job...!!
  3. Here is my sensor panel is finished... here is my workstation
  4. hi, what software i could use to push the cpu gradually because it rarely goes above 20% and stabilizes between 0 and 10%, software where i can choose the percentage i want to test. thank.
  5. So we proceed like this: it would have been nice to make a complete tutorial for people who want to get into customization.
  6. Hi, So, I have to put a completely transparent empty image, like this :
  7. hi, I have my 32 images, which one should I put in "0" on the part between 50 and 100? Thank.
  8. why 61 0=>24 = 16 pictures; 24=>49 = 16 pictures; 50=>74 = 16 pictures; 75=> 100 = 16 pictures; Total 64 pictures ??
  9. ok, thank you friend, but he would have me a screenshot, as I did, I would have understood immediately instead of looking ^^ i'am french, "google traduction"
  10. Like this :
  11. how do you do for 31 gauge ? If you can help me.
  12. Hi, Can someone explain to me how this type of gauge is made ? I would like to insert it instead of the one circled in red, because this one is ugly I would like some in the same color of the bars. thank
  13. I don't understand, I'm a novice, do you have a tutorial with pictures ? thank .
  14. you have an example in image, sometimes an example is better than a long sentence...thank.
  15. Hi, can we have more than 16 images in the custom, if so how do we do it ?
  16. my first gauge do it myself..it's a good start
  17. Hi, how to give transparency just on the wallpaper? Me the transparency acts on the whole panel.
  18. My transparency is at 0%
  19. thank's
  20. just add a background image
  21. Hello, I would like to know how the gauges are integrated on the panel, I have never used the gauges if you have a tutorial or if you can explain to me... I manage to do this
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