Hello, Fiery!
I'm trying to get a report on a remote machine using PsExec by the following command:
psexec.exe \\pc1 -d -s \\server\aida\aida64.exe /R \\server\AIDA\Reports\$HOSTNAME__$DATE /CUSTOM \\server\aida\aida64.rpf /TEXT /SAFE /SILENT
After that I can see aida64.exe proccess on pc1 but nothing is going on - the process just loaded into memory and doesn't work. So then I tried to launch it interactively:
psexec.exe \\pc1 -d -i 9 -s \\server\aida\aida64.exe /R \\server\AIDA\Reports\$HOSTNAME__$DATE /CUSTOM \\server\aida\aida64.rpf /TEXT /SAFE /SILENT
And that is working. But the real problem here is that I need to know user session (-i 9) and on a remote computer would be no logged session at al... If I try use 0 session and still doesn't work.
I understand the problem relatives SyInternals too but maybe you can explain how can i collect a report on a remote machine using AIDA64 Business edition? I know about users loggon scripts, telnet, etc but I need to use it when i want - that's why im trying to use psexec...
Thank you!