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Everything posted by 72hundred

  1. Hi, For years I've been using the Logitech G19s with its built in LCD (320x240 pixels) and ability to scroll through pages. The keyboard itself is getting problematic. I've had to disable core isolation to get it to work, and now it needs to be plugged in and plugged out each time the PC starts. A new keyboard is likely needed! But I will likely loose my little screen with a new keyboard, so therefore starting the thread to ask what is the best small desktop monitor that works with AIDA64 for hardward monitoring. I have a HDMI (via MOBO) left and also USB ports left to use on this PC build. Cheers
  2. Hi, I've tried this again and its crashed again (as per image below), is there something else I can try?
  3. I tried that and it crashed mid way through, as per screen capture above.
  4. Hi, I've recently built a new PC and installed AIDA64, to work with my Logitech G19s. The LCD freezes now and doesn't update regularly (as in update the info on the screen every second or so to keep the graphs live etc). It was working OK on a previous PC that was upgraded from W10 to W11 but on this fresh install it doesn't seem very happy. I've disabled core isolation in W11 and have Logitech Gaming Software 9.04.49 installed. Any suggestions appreciated. EDIT: Just to add more detail; when I start up the PC the screen (on the G19s) seems to load the initial info, but then does not progress - no updates per second as normal, just frozen. It would seem that if I could get it to refresh it would be back working again.
  5. What is life if one is not stoic at certain points! Fiery used to reply but no word in a while
  6. And now dear friends; hear me as a I say! Gather round as we reach the 5 year - anniversary!!!
  7. 5 year anniversary passed! Traditional a gift made of wood (if this were a marriage!) All joking aside, this request is very similar to the other thread - Except I also want to cover the network connections too.
  8. 4 year anniversary! Yipee!
  9. I forgot a few 6 monthly reminders! But can you do it now? PLEASE! Haha. It happened again tonight, uploads spiked to 10MB and I wanted to quickly figure out what it was - but by time Task Manger open had dropped back down...
  10. Just chiming in for my 6 monthly update a bit early - no joy with this update by any chance?
  11. Hey, I thought I might just give my 6 monthly "bump" to this thread . Any joy yet with an idea such as this? Thanks.
  12. Just using an application that was a memory hog and this functionality jumped back into my head. Any updates about implementing it?
  13. Hey, Would it possible to have a list like Task Manager does where the processes / applications that are using the CPU or network would come up. EDIT: On the LCD I mean. I ask for this as I find myself noting via AIDA64 on my LCD that the CPU might be at 20% and then I wonder what might be causing it so I open task manager to find out. It would be ideal if I could have a list like that on a different page on the LCD via AIDA64 so I could quickly check what was causing the spike. A similar idea for the network would be great like what's found in the "Processes with Network Activity" tab of the Resource Monitor. Many thanks.
  14. Just came across this in the new Precision X (or maybe it was there for ages and I didn't know about it), but it might help put a different perspective on what we were talking about above.
  15. Cheers! Hadn't checked this thread in a while and then noted as I was playing around with the LCD that it was working today! Thanks for that. Working well so far!
  16. Hi, Just wondering if some one could break down the difference between the 4 parameters. I know TDP relates to % power consumption, but the other 3 are a bit more obscure. I came across this thread but it doesn't shed much light on what they actually represent... http://forums.aida64.com/topic/555-question-on-gpu-monitoring-items/ Fiery, on 10 Oct 2011 - 09:27 AM, said: VE = Video Engine MC = Memory Controller
  17. Yea, I would have to say this too. My G19 and AIDA64 are the perfect match and the reason I got AIDA64.
  18. Thanks. Any rough idea on the time scale for such a rewrite? Next 6 / 12 months?
  19. It would be really handy if AIDA64 could allow a overall NIC download and upload info for the LCD output like a G19s, instead of currently there is NIC1 NIC2 etc. This becomes an issue with VPN's that create a virtual network adaptor, which for me is NIC2. I would prefer to get overall numbers for NIC's.
  20. Yea, I also would think this would be absolutely excellent. Wattage, efficiency, PSU temp and fan! Very cool addition.
  21. Hi, I was wondering if it would be possible to have the GPU TDP percentages to 0 decimal places as currently its shows "5.47%". I don't really need to know about ".47%" bit and it takes up room around it in LCD screen. Also CPU utiliazation is only to 0 decimal places which is much handier. Something along lines of what is already available in the preferences in relation to "Decimal digits for voltage values: " would be great. Many thanks.
  22. Hi, Firstly great product, love using it. The feature that I'm looking for is that the info on all 4 pages of the LCD display (I'm using a G19S) updated at the set interval, instead of what happens currently where only the display you're looking at is updated and when you switch back to the other page then only it gets updated upon switching. This might sound a bit complicated but to put it as an example. I have a graph on page 1 of the download rate for the last 30 seconds. Let's say then I'm on page 2 and start downloading a large file that goes on for some time. When I switch page to page 1 the graph shoots up to the current speed of the download but has no record of the proceeding download speeds. Instead the graph only records what's going on when I'm on page 1! I hope you can follow this !
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