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  1. No problem. Was just trying to provide as much data as possible. By the way, if there is a way to poll that via https instead of http, you might avoid most firewalls blocking it.
  2. Here is a screenshot from the network firewall log server showing the actual block.
  3. Actually the local firewall is disabled. I am thinking it might have something to do with the vpn software that is installed as that creates network shims. Or it could be that my house has an enterprise firewall deployed (Checkpoint). Let me dig through those logs. Ok looked through the firewall logs. Looks like it might be the -------------- [removed by Fiery] line as Checkpoint identifies that as somemthing out of the Tracur familiy of malware and is blocking it. So I unblocked that, but if I may make a suggestion, I would add a timeout or something to that function so if a corporate style firewall blocks it, it does not crash the software. Success. I added an exception to the firewall malware detection and aida now does not crash. Thanks for the help, and hopefullyh in the future this wont crash Aida. Take care!
  4. If the splitter cable has both RPM sensor wires coming into the same port you will have this problem. Not an AIDA issue, an electrical one. When you have two of the same or similar outputs on the same wire, as they come into and out of phase with one another, they will cancel each other out (your zero readings). You will have to use a different port, or cut one of the sensor wires on the splitter so it only has signal from one of the fans.
  5. Got it!. It created the file once I created the file HWMON.... file in the folder with the new build. First couple of times it did now work! Hopefully this helps. Thanks for your diligence. hwmoninitlog.txt
  6. Here is an image of it in a debugger. Not the main thread, but the worker that gets spawned which is crashing. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_eZOxsZKiAaM2J6d3hpQzBzZVE/view?usp=sharing
  7. So I could not get it to make that file. I recorded a video showing the process. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_eZOxsZKiAacmJtWUlDUUREblk/view?usp=sharing
  8. What does an upgrade to 10 have to do with anything? It is clearly an aida issue as since 5.xx AIDA crashes not my computer. Everything else (and I do an extensive amount of things with my computer) works appropriately. The Debug actually shows Aida referencing a page that is undefined. But thanks for the suggestion.
  9. Computer/Sensor page no crash. Full Report - All Pages, no crash. Here are the preferences pages that will crash it after a few moments of detecting sensor information: Preferences > Hardware Monitoring > Sensor Icons = Crash. Preferences > Hardware Monitoring > Logging = Crash Preferences > Hardware Monitoring > External Applications = Crash Preferences > Hardware Monitoring > Alerting = Crash Preferences > Hardware Monitoring > Corrections = Crash Good Luck!
  10. Aquaero did not cause the crash. I tried unplugging the prolific USB 2 Serial convertes, and still crashes. So I decided to go through and do all the dumps, found a couple of crashers! MicroGuru -> crashes Aida MicroGuru2005 -> crashes Aida Nothing else I could get at would cause it do crash from the debugs. I have a whole slew of debugs in text format now though if you ever need them. MicroGuru also crashes v4.70. I wonder if something in the 5.xx code line is checking MicroGuru even though it is not present in the system when you go through preferences.
  11. None of those caused an issue. Easiest way I can reproduce (every time) is to go into preferences and then select one that spawns the "Detecting sensor information". USBReport.txt
  12. Looks like a change from 4.70 to 5.00. I have now tried every archived version from 4.30 to 5.50 and it exists in everything beyond 4.70 (ie 4.70 is the latest version that does not crash on me).
  13. Used an old beta 4.30.2920 and there were no issues with crashing.
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