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  1. Thanks for your reply, I think the performence of ESP8266 is too low to make http client work. Frames transmit to ESP8266 via WIFI should work but the bandwitdh consumes high. Another way I think is learn from AX206, transfer graphics by differentia. Recently, I am working on ESP8266 and ILI9488 but no luck, I think 480x320 will provide more display area, I will keep on it and think about the transfer protocol. Thank you for your help.
  2. Hi, I'm working on an ESP8266 MCU board and LCD modules, want to make this useful for AIDA64. I tested LCD module ILI9341(2.2" / 2.4" /2.8"), the refresh rate can be up to 20fps in SPI model, and the ESP8266 has build-in wifi adaptor, so I want to make it clear can I get frame buffer from AIDA64 by wifi? The point is ESP8266 is a very cheap solution, it cost only $2 and the 2.2" ili9341 LCD Module (320x240) costs $6 at most. Another LCD Module ili9486/9488 3.5" (480x320) costs $8. I think this is a valuable solution for DIYers and thank you for your help! BTW: I use Android Studio on developing ESP8266, it very easy to get started, for everyone, indeed.
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