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  1. Hi Fiery, while not perfect (wrong total res) Eve4-70 works for now! maybe easy to make some adjustments in the next beta with this information. Either way thanks again for the quick replies as always!
  2. thanks! no its stable with the eve3-43 setting but results in the image from the first post
  3. oh I should have mentioned! I tried that but Aida crashes a few seconds later - no screen change either.
  4. Hi Fiery! Matrix Orbital finally released 4.3in 800x480 screen (just like the one in the Razer Ultimate Keyboard). https://www.matrixorbital.com/eve3x-43a-ips-800480a?search=EVE3x-43A-IPS-800480A-USB Would you be able to support this in the next beta ? so far its not working with option in the menu "EVE3-43" I does light up the screen but not correctly as you can see. Let me know if you need any further information! Thanks! Ramon
  5. it worked perfectly as did the OCTO Fan controller from AC. Amazing stuff as usual! Thanks!
  6. Try the Matrix Orbital LK. Another screen from same company on Ali express shows this screenshot
  7. Hello Fiery! is the Aquacomputer Flow Rate Sensor MPS Flow 200 supported by Adia64 so I can view the flow rate on my sensor panel ? https://www.performance-pcs.com/water-cooling/accessories-misc/aquacomputer-flow-rate-sensor-mps-flow-200-g1-4-aq-53131.html
  8. Hey Fiery! Just wondering if you could look to support this in the future. it would be amazing to able to hijack that LCD for a sensor panel. The buttons and knobs I would probably still used for shortcuts via Elgato https://www.elgato.com/en/stream-deck-plus Thanks for all you do!
  9. Got it - BUT we cannot have Aida and iCue running concurrently right ?
  10. oww thats a good tip. I wonder what other APCs are supported - maybe I will move to something like that. Fiery - let me know if you can still accommodate a delayed but cumulative reading
  11. Thats great news about Nexus support! Regarding the wattage reading - even if its not in "real-time", I graph it, so I can watch the usage over time while benching, gaming etc. - a cumulative reading would still be be very useful even if not absolutely accurate to the second. Any chance you could let me test it in a beta ? I used to rely on Aida's support for corsair power supply LINK reading but I have moved to a 750 SFX power supply from corsair that lacks the LINK connection. PS: Thought you might like to see my custom StreamLink + Matrix Orbital Screen combo and sensor panel layout. (the "0" is a FPS indicator (RTSS))
  12. Hi Fiery! Hope you are well! I was wondering if you could add a cumulative or total wattage used to the power values sensor item category - I know this wont be the total wattage pulled by the system but just being able to see what the CPU and GPU are pulling combined vs. two values would be great! Thanks for all that you do! PS - did you see the Corsair Nexus? https://www.corsair.com/us/en/Categories/Products/Accessories-%7C-Parts/CORSAIR-iCUE-NEXUS/p/CH-9910010-NA Think there is any chance of support ?
  13. Hey Fiery!!! You know I totally forgot I asked you about this and sure enough you came thru. GHZ looks fantastic on my display now. Have a fantastic new year. Thanks for keeping this app updated and incredibly custom!! Theres simply nothing like it.
  14. I am sorry if this has been asked before but I was wondering if there was away to display Ghz for the CPU clock speed vs Mhz. Trying to save some space on my Matrix Orbital EVE2 display. I didnt see an option in the Corrections section under prefs. Thanks again for all you do!!!!!! Morpheon
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