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Everything posted by P.J

  1. Yes, it's ok now I can easily see it because I've set my chassis fan1 to work when CPU temperature reaches to 40C Thanks a lot
  2. Thanks The problem is that Asus uses "CPU external/socket temperature" as "CPU temperature" instead of real internal CPU temperature. BIOS isn't affected and Asus Fan Xpert uses the real CPU temperature as source too.
  3. For now, only CPU temperature is wrong isasensordump.txt
  4. I'm still trying to report the problem to Asus but they're so lazy! They said: "If the customer wants more accurate temperature gauge, please use HWinfo64. We do not have any more software revision for this motherboard." Then they confirm that Ai Suite 3 is crap so we shouldn't care about Ai Suite 3 at all. CPU temperature was fine in old v5.80 but in newer versions, hope you can fix it Everything is fine in BIOS:
  5. Well, I have found an interesting thing. Check it: So confusing, Asus uses its own sensor diode near the CPU socket and reports it as CPU temperature in Ai Suite x) And even HWinfo, v5.38 is fine but v5.40-5.52 https://rog.asus.com/forum/showthread.php?61500-Z97-Pro-Gamer-temperature-sensors-acting-strange https://rog.asus.com/forum/showthread.php?35392-Problems-with-OC-Panel-on-M6E&p=290235&viewfull=1#post290235
  6. I have noticed that the CPU temperature has stuck at 27C
  7. I have noticed that "Discharging Rate" value doesn't change if I turn up/down the brightness of my Asus E202SA while it works well for my Lenovo S20-30
  8. No, still not correct
  9. From Asus:
  10. Unfortunately, the latest beta version didn't help too. CPU/VRM temps are stuck at 38/43C but no problem with final version 1) https://www.sendspace.com/file/4r3exz 2) Done 3) https://www.sendspace.com/file/2hzotc 4) Omg, Asus Ai Suite reports them incorrectly too same as beta versions of AIDA64 I'm sure those are incorrect since the CPU temp changes only between 38-39 while idle and FPU-only stress test Got this warning with HWiNFO64 too but HWiNFO64 reports temperatures correctly in both cases: CPU (PECI) = VRM So you shouldn't follow Asus. I'll report the bug to them later EDIT2: I feel the temperatures in BIOS are wrong too same as Ai Suite x)
  11. https://www.sendspace.com/file/qnfdkl There's no problem in the BIOS and final version of AIDA64 (except CPU_OPT and T_Sensor)
  12. They're inaccurate in beta version, seems to be stuck without any/less change
  13. Oh wait! In the beta version, the CPU Temperature and VRM are wrong
  14. Thank you, all fine now
  15. I don't see any Temperature #1 https://www.sendspace.com/file/85cbm7
  16. Even the latest version doesn't show CPU_OPT fan speed and T_Sensor temperature https://www.sendspace.com/file/qtsoka
  17. Just checked the latest version of AIDA64 on Studio 1537 but the GPU fan duty cycle still exists
  18. Well, I checked again and they're not stuck but same as each other. Then only one of them should be enough same as the first post
  19. For Vostro 1500, now it shows Temperature #1/#2/#3/#4 that seems to be stuck
  20. Thanks, GPU Fan is stuck at 0% too And another laptop, Dell Studio 1537 Dump files: https://www.sendspace.com/file/agemqf There's an iGPU diode while the laptop doesn't have any onboard GPU, only HD3450 And the GPU Fan is stuck at 30% while the laptop has only one fan which is the CPU (System) fan:
  21. Thanks, and another problem: In the Cooling Fans section, System,Fan #1,Fan #2 shouldn't be exist, they're stuck at 922rpm too
  22. I have noticed that AIDA64 reports the GPU temperature different compared to FurMark/GPU-Z Dell Vostro 1500, 8600M GT Related files: (isasensordump,smbusdump_full,nvidiasmidump) https://www.sendspace.com/file/kczvg2
  23. There's no PCH temperature in some Asus BIOS but exists in AIDA64 Can't it be possible for Gigabyte too?
  24. Thanks a lot, the latest beta version worked fine
  25. Thanks, but how to upgrade from a zipped beta version? No installer
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