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  1. and this is what your hard work allowed me to do with my 12 inch tablet and arx... cheerz once again! https://www.dropbox.com/s/c5ljaur2sm72lrn/2016-08-23%2016.21.17.png?dl=0
  2. I meant to mention... in the OSD sensor list... they appear as Fan # 21, Fan # 22 and Fan # 23. Best software development I have ever run into!!
  3. and voila there they are... u da man! i did the same dumps... attached... and my desktop showing all the fans. ecdump.txt isasensordump.txt smbusdump_full.txt
  4. I have 3 chassis fans attached to the mb and the apogee pump is also attached to the mb, these are sensed by aida... the missing fans are the two radiator fans and one more chassis fan attached to the extension card... they all idle at about 1000 rpm... the strange thing is the thermistor sensors on the same card are sensed... although aida does report 2 more temp sensors and they show 200 degrees C each... i read somewhere else in your forum that this may be caused by aisuite... although i have tried without with the same results. cheers for your timely reply... i have attached the requested files P.S. i see by the isa dump that the extension fans are there... a note... i don't have anything on the EXT_Sensor3 or T_Sensor1 jumpers ecdump.txt isasensordump.txt smbusdump_full.txt
  5. I added a fan extension card so I could govern my radiator fans separately from the pump... but it seems aida does not sense the fans... it actually sees the heat sensor connected to it... but not the fans? Plans for adding support? Cheers for any info you can provide. Edit: the motherboard is the Asus ROG Strix x99 Gaming
  6. never mind... once i added a sensor to the mix... the warning went away... i had only added images to that stage... cheers
  7. i have attached a screen shot of my tablet... no matter what i do... i can not get the blue resolution message to disappear... help me... cheers
  8. i just built a killer rog rig... this saves me a ton of time... kudoz to you and the author...
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