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Everything posted by Dunecat

  1. Yes, it seems to be a Logitech Issue. But also after i tried this for many times now, i think, that i will search for another possibility to display my Sensordata. But thanks a lot for trying to solve this. Maybe in future, Logitech will learn to program the ARX SDK right.
  2. Hi, yes the iPad is connected properly. But the Symbol is still not there, where it should be. When it worked, the Aidasymbol was right next to the "Meine Spiele" Tab at the Bottom of the Logitech App on the iPad. When i tapped it, the App switched to my Sensordata. First Picture in my first Post here. I also tested it with my iPhone XR, with latest iOS installed. Same Result. The App on my mobile Device is not able to switch to my sensordata. Could the new Logitech G-Hub Software which came with my G910 maybe an Issue? There is also a ARX Setting, but i disabled it. I also tried it, when i disable ARX on the Logitech Gaming Software and enable it on the G-Hub Software. Same Result.
  3. Hi there. I have a Problem with my Aida64 not displaying on my iPad (with the Logitech Arx Control App) any more. I have Aida64 Extreme (6.25.5400), Logitech Gaming Software (9.02.65) and the Logitech G-Hub Software (2020.10.5614) installed. If the System works in normal way, the ipad shows all Sensor Data. But since 3 Month, the iPad App do not show the Aida Symbol any more which allows me to switch to my sensor data. Within the Logitech Gaming Software in the ARX Control, the ipad is correctly listet and connected. The PC is running on Windows 10. Restarting all the Apps on my ipad and the PC did not work. Could it be an update issue, because i do not use the latest aida version? As you can see, there is no Aida Button on the left side next to the Logitech icon anymore. The other Picture shows my ARX Aida Sensorpanel which i used unti it stopped working. I hope you could help me. Thanks.
  4. Thanks - That would be awesome.
  5. Hello there... I also did one on my iPad, but i think a lot simpler. As you can see, i am a big Terminator Fan. There is one Question: Is it possible to display the Write and Read Speed of Harddisks or a Raid System? I saw this @ a friend of mine, but he uses another tool for that.
  6. Hello Fiery, i tested the Options, you mentioned. When i deactivate the GPU Module, the GPU Data disappears, as Nickproof mentioned before. But disabling the option "nVIDIA GPU SMBus access through nVIDIA ForceWare" works. The Lags disappear nearly completely. There are some Lags left, but i suppose, that these are caused by other issues in the Gameengine itself. My Driverversion is the same as the one Nickproof uses. But by doing all of the testing last week, i discovered another issue: The Alarm option of Aida, where you can setup different Sensors, to be watched and give an alarm message or do a computershutdown, when going over a certain temperature for example, are not saved. When i setup these alarms and work with the computer, they are shown in the Alarmlist. But when i reboot my Computer, the list is empty. So Aida does not save my Alarmsetups after a reboot. greetings Dunecat
  7. 1) Here is the Sensorpage: Informationsliste Wert Sensor Eigenschaften Sensortyp Winbond W83627DHG (ISA 290h) GPU Sensortyp Analog Devices ADT7473 (NV-I2C 2Eh) Motherboard Name Asus P5E3 Deluxe / Premium Gehäusezutritt gefunden Nein Temperaturen Motherboard 35 °C (95 °F) CPU 35 °C (95 °F) 1. CPU / 1. Kern 25 °C (77 °F) 1. CPU / 2. Kern 29 °C (84 °F) 1. CPU / 3. Kern 17 °C (63 °F) 1. CPU / 4. Kern 20 °C (68 °F) GPU1: Grafikprozessor (GPU) 38 °C (100 °F) GPU1: GPU Diode 35 °C (95 °F) GPU1: GPU Speicher 32 °C (90 °F) GPU1: GPU Umgebung 31 °C (88 °F) GPU2: Grafikprozessor (GPU) 43 °C (109 °F) GPU2: GPU Speicher 35 °C (95 °F) GPU2: GPU Umgebung 36 °C (97 °F) WDC WD3200AAKS-00L9A0 (WD-WMAV29347229) 17 °C (63 °F) WDC WD3200AAKS-00L9A0 (WD-WMAV29379843) 17 °C (63 °F) WDC WD3200AAKS-61L9A0 (WD-WCAV2V784550) 17 °C (63 °F) WDC WD3200AAKS-61L9A0 (WD-WCAV2V784369) 17 °C (63 °F) Kühllüfter CPU 620 RPM Gehäuse #1 1918 RPM Gehäuse #2 2220 RPM GPU1 40% GPU2 1427 RPM (40%) Spannungswerte CPU Kern 1.35 V +3.3 V 3.31 V +5 V 4.97 V +12 V 11.87 V +5 V Bereitschaftsmodus 4.99 V GPU1: GPU Kern 0.96 V GPU1: GPU Vcc 3.32 V GPU1: GPU +12V 12.05 V GPU1: GPU VRM 0.95 V GPU2: GPU Kern 1.05 V GPU2: GPU Vcc 3.32 V Strom Werte CPU 54.87 A GPU1: GPU VRM 17.50 A Leistungswerte CPU 68.69 W GPU1: GPU VRM 16.50 W 2) I can confirm, that there are 2 GPUs in my System. A GTX 480 for Graphics and a GTX 285 for Physx. In the NVidia Driverpanel it is also set, that the 285 only does physx and nothing else. 3) There is one external Drive connected, but it is switched off, most of the time, because its just a Backupdrive. Hope that these Data would help. Greetings Dune
  8. Hi, today i downloaded & tested the new Aida64 Extreme Beta, to test it on my System. My Systemspecs can be seen here: My System After i set the Options of Aida64 to let it show Fanspeed, CPU Temps. etc. on my G19 Display (installed the latest Drivers for my G19 before) and also set the Updatefrequenzy to 1 Second, i started World of Warcraft to see, how Temps will go, when playing a 3D Game. But when i log into it, the graphics hang every second for a small moment. If i set a higher value like 5 secs in the Updatefrequenzy of Aida64, it hangs about every 5 seconds, and so on. Also i monitor a constant CPU usage in Idlemode, of about 10% which are used by the Aida64 Process. These are Issues, which i do not remember, when using the old everest ultimate version. When i deactivate Aida64 while running the Game, the Lags disappear. Hope that you have an Idea about this cause i like this Software greets Dunecat
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