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Everything posted by Manicelli

  1. Hi! Downloaded the beta version and now it works great. AIO Pump appears under cooling fans and rpm is correct. Thank you!
  2. Hello! I'm having problems with getting pump speed to show in Aida64. I have D5 pump's speed and pwm wires connected to my motherboard's AIO_PUMP header, but I don't see any info about it on sensor page under cooling fans. Only CPU and Chassis fans show, which are the other 2 headers on my mobo. My motherboard is Asus Strix Z270I Gaming. BIOS shows the speed and I'm also using Argus Monitor for fan speed configs and it does see the pump speed. I ran ISA Sensor Debug and it does show AIO_PUMP with correct rpm number. I have no idea what to do, so any help is appreciated. isasensordump.txt
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