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About Elderdeekey

  • Birthday 02/06/1954

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    Moscow, Russian Federation

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  1. X.58 resolved the problem, no more Aida64 (I'm using v. readings delay.
  2. What is your Windows (version and edition)? Thanks!
  3. Appreciate your extensive reply. In fact, I did use Google translate to read that forum, just don't feel comfortable to post "inking unit" and alike text I share your thoughts on AQ attitude. I did have bad experience even talking to their support when my OCTO blew off because of early microcode bug (that is definitely another story). Could you please tell me what is your update frequency setting in AIDA64 - I'd like to use yours and double check what happens with reading under X.57. Thank you!
  4. Interesting! Could you please ask Aqua folks via forum (I do not know German) - WHY everything goes smoothly with Aida64 sensor reading when Aquasuite X.53 is installed and as soon as it is updated to version X.57 Aida64 reading becomes extremely slow?! (Indeed it is the same PC/OS/Aida64 version with the same settings.) In my humble opinion something has been changed by Aquasuite programmers in between (could be in v. 54, 55, 56 or 57). Thank you!
  5. Gotcha! It is sad that they "behave" that way... Well, thanks for your time and efforts to help resolve this issue...
  6. Fiery, I'm a bit lost... Does Aqua message mean that they've changed update rate in X.57 (or at least after X.53 as I didn't install 54-56)? The reason to be lost is that with the same AIDA64 update frequency - 5000ms - I have no troubles with sensors reading with X.53 installed. Immediately after X.57 installation AIDA64 (even your latest beta) with the same settings (I do not change even a single bit in settings) becomes extremely slow and barely reads sensors (it looks to me like once every 15-30 seconds or alike)...
  7. It doesn't and my reply with dump file is hidden...
  8. Nope :((( As soon as I applied X.57 update to Aquasuite and installed AIDA64 6115 beta its sensor updates (via gadget) again became very slow... Attached dump is from such system... aquacomputerdump6115.txt
  9. Fiery, in my attempt to help with resolution of this issue I'm attaching 2 dump files here - one with Aquasuite X.53 installed (where there is no troubles with AIDA64 sensor readings) and with Aquasuite X.57 installed (where there is substantial delay between sensors readings). Simple comparison these 2 files with WinMerge program clearly shows there are difference in MPS, OCTO and QUADRO areas. Thanks again! aquacomputerdump-X53.txt aquacomputerdump-X57.txt
  10. Sometime ago, after yet another aquasuite update (with some microcode update, at least for my QUADRO and OCTO) AIDA64 stopped its reading for some Aqua sensors. It has been fixed by AIDA64 great team by updating this wonderful program. I would suggest you start another thread and attach your sensor debug information to your post. Good luck!
  11. As title says... At certain day I've noticed that even at 5000 ms (500 ms was a typo) sensors update frequency settings AIDA64 (I'm using 6.75.6100) did update reading like once a minute and even initial load after Windows start takes much more time than usual. It took me a few hours to find out that it has happened after I've updated Aquasuite from version X.53 to X.57. It has been confirmed by myself a few times by restoring Windows 11 from the image with version X.53 installed (where reading updates are done according to the settings) and applying the update to X.57 which immediately slows it down substantially. I guess not many people use this combination (AIDA64 and Aquasuite) but still this is an issue. Fierry, I guess you have contacts at Aqua Computer - could you please check what has changed from 53 to 57. As a side note - I skip X.54, X.55 and X.56, there is a chance the changes were done prior to X.57... Thanks!
  12. Case closed! After playing with AIDA64 Stability settings I've managed to find the reason why SMBus Dump (full) had no information. The reason was enabled "SMBus acess through ACPI (Asus motherboard)": As soon as I uncheck it: 1. SMBus Dump (full) started to produce full results (attached) AND 2. I see all 4 DIMMs temperature now: I do not know is it a bug or a feature of this setting but enabling it on my ASUS ROG Maximus X Formula blocks DIMMs temp. reading. smbusdump_full_new.txt
  13. Not sure debug worked as intended, see no info in the file except MB info. Anyway, please find attache that file. Thank you! smbusdump_full.txt
  14. I've lost Corsair's Vengeance RGB Pro modules temperature reading - Corsair made microcode update just recently to those modules to firmware 1.02.64. Temperature reading of those modules works just fine inside Corsair's ICUE software. Version: 6.50.5806 beta (Oct 28, 2021) fixed the problem with all OCTO sensors after aqua computer updated its microcode but not with Corsair RAM. DIMM thermal sensor support enabled: Attaching 2 debug files, please let me know if I should debug something else. Fiery, many thanks in advance, as usual! aquacomputerdump.txt sensorprof.txt
  15. Opened a new thread to make sure it is not forgotten...
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