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Everything posted by Maident

  1. I could not find any description on how or where to install a beta version on a system with the latest AIDA64 Extreme (licensed, not trial). Do I unzip the beta version and copy it into the non-beta AIDA64 folder?
  2. Aorus z390 Master. I use the CPU_OPT for the AIO cooler pump. I have it set to run 100% all the time.
  3. The sensor report shows the wrong fan headers for the Gigabyte Aorus Z390 master MB. Here is what I was able to determine on my MB fan headers. I did not use System 1 fan header and since AIDA64 did not see a Chassis 3 fan sensor I have to assume that System 1 fan header is your Chassis 3. CPU = CPU CPU OPT = System 6 Pump Chassis 1 = System 3 Chassis 2 = System 2 Chassis 3 = not reported Chassis 4 = System 5 Pump Chassis 5 = System 4 Chassis 7 = CPU_OPT
  4. My motherboard has 6 fan headers and a CPU_OPT header. AIDA64 reports 7 system fans (1 thru 7). The CPU fan in AIDA64 is obviously the CPU_FAN header. Similarly with the other AIDA64 system fan designations. Can anyone confirm that the System #7 fan is actually the CPU_OPT header?
  5. While observing the System Stability Test, Statistics tab, I thought it would be nice if we could rename the Chassis fans to match their actual location. This would make it easier to follow what each of the fans were up to. This could be something added to preferences. i.e., rename cooling fans.
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