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  1. Hello everyone, In my configuration I use an RTX and for the secondary monitor I use the integrated graphics of my 11700K. The question is, How to display the two temperature diodes? I can only see the one for the RTX4080.
  2. Hello everyone, In my configuration I use an RTX and for the secondary monitor I use the integrated graphics of my 11700K. The question is, How to display the two temperature diodes? I can only see the one for the RTX4080.
  3. Hello, There is a section that catches my attention and it is the LCD Options, there are a number of compatible screens, as in this article (https://www.aida64.com/products/features/external-display -support) , But the question is, can I use this section on my 7-inch screen? I see that it has the option of pages and it seems to change automatically.
  4. Can you share please?
  5. Hi, I have two problems and I don't know why the temperature of my processor is not marked correctly and the FPS are not displayed.
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