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HookR last won the day on March 2 2021

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  1. Maybe try to place the hardware designations to top (shorten them if needed) and fill the void with bigger pictures. I like the icons and simplicity.
  2. Try to play with the "Total width" of the "Sensor item". Think of it as an invisible placeholder rectangle (in which the visible content will align to the right). The goal is to set it (at least) as wide as the widest possible value its content can get (depends on the used font type and size too). And don't forget that the unit has its own "width" parameter (that is a smaller invisible placeholder rectangle inside the main one and aligns its visible content to the left). Or... set the "Item type" to "Simple sensor item" and check the "Right-Align" checkbox (in this case you don't have to deal with invisible placeholder rectangles).
  3. That sounds a classical Windows scaling issue to me. Maybe try one of the workarounds listed here: Windows scaling issues for high-DPI devices
  4. Because you are using different scale settings (Start > Settings > System > Display > Scale and layout) on your display than the designer. I can see a 50% difference in size and positioning.
  5. Check your Scale and layout settings on that display (Start > Settings > System > Display > Scale and layout).
  6. Simply put: Currently you can't! Unfortunately the SensorPanel is still lacking support for tasbar integration. With this proof-of-concept one of my main goal was to show the devs the potential and that it's worth the time and effort needed to implement the feature. IMHO the otherwise empty space on taskbar shouts for this kind of utilization. The main problem is that the necessary API calls ('deskband') are officially not supported, they are in some kind of legacy status starting from Win7. It's a controversial topic because on the other hand they are still definitely part of Win10. At least two prominent features I know of (i.e. search bar and people bar) are based on them. Anyway I'm curious to know the devs actual standpoint on the matter. They are probably on the fence. Fiery: Shoud we hope or not? Eagerly waiting aside, at the moment I have no other choice but to place the SensorPanel beside the taskbar... ...and resize windows accordingly.
  7. With v10.0 I have tried to aim a slightly more graphical approach and lay down the foundations of a refined and modular layout. Improvements inlcudes: - TAI: Using an array of dots as Thread Activity Indicator that gives the desired compactness and future-proof scalability at the same time. - A semi-transparent in-between layer that helps maintaining readability over the more colorful background elements. - A standalone disk module to display more detailed disk activity. Preview images for comparison of different loading states: AIDA64_SensorPanel_v10.0_(420x40)_Final.sensorpanel
  8. After countless iterations and numerous dead ends I'm glad to present you a new viable variation (v8.96). The following previews helps to compare idle... ...and active state under dynamic load: AIDA64_SensorPanel_v8.96.sensorpanel It's even more compact (400 x 40 px) and shows more valuable sensor information at the same time: - Every modul has its own activity graph as background. - The network modul's invisible frame serves as activity bars where the vertical segments are active between 0 and 1024KB/s, while the horizontal ones from 1025 KB/s to maximum bandwidth. What do you think? Feel free to leave a comment and give me valuable feedback. Thx.
  9. Honestly, in its current form this configuration is merely a proof-of-concept. I cheated a little for the screenshot by turning the 'always on top' feature on. As soon as you click on the taskbar it won't stay on top any longer. Let's hope the Aida gods will smile upon us in the forseeable future and implement the ability for the SensorPanel to act like a proper toolbar. The 'private message' was already sent, but no pressure.
  10. Hi! I'd like to share my compact taskbar-optimized variation of the SensorPanel. AIDA64_SensorPanel_v6.8.sensorpanel
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