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krewekitchen last won the day on October 11 2020

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  1. Why is Aida64 limited on the sensors available for monitoring? For example, Aida64 only shows 4 CPU temp sensors (CPU, CPU Pkg, CPU diode, and PCH diode) However, other monitoring software like HW info has multiple sensor readings and temps by CPU core
  2. wondering how to allow the GIF to funtion and the rscld file
  3. good work - was wondering how to separate components of the background image into components to make it a horizontal gauge. Any tips?
  4. man you didnt have to do that but thanks very much
  5. very nice - wish I could scale to 3840x1100 but the gauges get too small
  6. created by modifying the skin from Lamptron and stealing from various templates in this thread. Thanks to everyone for inspiration. Created for 14" Lamptron monitor 1646460281_ROGsensorpanel3840X1100_sensorpanel.63000b5a992d28e9b0edc17d07411197
  7. sorry - larger versions of pictures
  8. mock up before installation on new rig - 7" monitor going into a Phanteks Ehtoo 719 chassis
  9. My final revision - in use on 5" screen ROG sensor panel 05.sensorpanel
  10. have to join the forum
  11. thanks for the headstart
  12. you need to have something running that eats up FPS - mine is at 0 until I run a game or benchmark
  13. updated ROG based sensor panel ROG sensor panel 04.sensorpanel
  14. here is my try - thanks to previous posters that shared their ideas I was given a tremendous head start ROG sensor panel 02.sensorpanel
  15. ROG sensor panel.sensorpanel
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