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Everything posted by BlaKer

  1. Thank you so much for being so fast with the implementation! Any ETA when it will be implemented in to the main release?
  2. OMG THANK YOU TIGER @Fiery please take a look at his logs and will support you forever if you get this to work
  3. I haven't had the luck of getting my hands on this card yet so cant post the result sorry
  4. It would be so good if you could see the per pin monitoring the 5000 asus rog astral have that you can see in GPU tweek 3. See the top right I can only imagine the piece of mind to have all the 6s pins amps showing on the sensorpanel i would be so happy if you could implement this. Can this be implemented to the sensorpanel ?
  5. Very nice thanks, when and how do i know the beta is out?
  6. Enabled cause i want to get more accurate utilization reading on the cpu. When i disabled it, the cores come back without getting the bug of disappearing and reappearing. So the new fix for cpu utilization seems to be bugged, i would highly appreciate if you fixed this bug asap There are many more than just me who get this problem.
  7. All the cpu cores utilization keep disappearing and reappearing every update cycle after the march update. This was seen in the beta for this update as well. I got windows 11 2h22 Asus rog maximus z690 hero 12900k and a beada lcd for the sensorpanel
  8. I got the same problem and no corsair AIO connected, this is a big bug for sure. W11 22H2 Pls fix this i saw people in the thread, that during the beta people had this problem, im surprised it passed the beta and went live without addressing this.
  9. Haven't been updated since december, when is the new update coming =)?
  10. @FieryIs this final? Seems like spotify got an API? I think this is would make many of us happy if you could implement it.
  11. Would be really cool if we could get the battery status on steelseires products on to the sensorpanel. Like be able to see how much battery is left in the headset mouse or keyboard.
  12. Any updates ? =) Would really also love to see my top 3 processes in the sensorpanel. Thx!
  13. Thank you!
  14. Thx for the update Fiery. 1.So do i understand you correct that aida64 onyl can use one of the buttons for showing sensors? One cannot place diffrent sensors on all the buttons? I dont really need the pushing button part to work i just want to see all the sensors on the buttons. 2. What type of device would you recommend that is easy to install like the elgato or the corsair nexus if i dont want to use a second lcd display in windows or an old android device? Edit 3. I came across a beadapanel 5" if i connect this, will it show up as a second display in windows that i need to move the remote sensor to everytime i start my pc?
  15. Hi, I just got the corsair ICUE nexus and saw that you were working on remote sensor support for it. Do you got any updates on that? Will it even work cause of the icue requierment? Cause im not sure if i will return this to get a elgato streamingdeck insted. How good is the support for the elgato streamingdeck? How does it work to applie sensors to the buttons? Is it just one sensor per key or can you have many sensors on one "key". Which of these two would you recomend using for remote sensor? Kind regards BlaKe
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