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mondueo last won the day on May 13 2023

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  1. Seriously...why is this not more of a priority? I am honestly curious, because I don't see it as a big feature request as Windows 11 has FPS built into Windows now with the game bar. Just hook into this Windows API, we don't need "native" support. Why would you even consider creating your own? The point is THIS: People DON'T want to use Fraps (is over 12 years old) and RTTS, it's just so buggy, clunky and annoying to install just for FPS. Multiple people have asked for this feature over the years including myself. Additionally, It seems Aida 64 is trying to update their Sensor panel offerings with their latest updates. It's kind of sad that this basic feature is not implemented yet in a different way. I would renew my subscription if this was added and I know multiple people would too. Please add it. Let me help you get started: use "VideoEncodingProperties.FrameRate" - API
  2. Try uninstall Aida64 and reinstall?
  3. Did you read this thread? Read the last posts from fiery
  4. Did you copy and paste it from the email you received?
  5. When I update the driver's of my RTX 3090 I have the same issue with my sensor panel. But restarting the computer fixes this issue every time.
  6. Yeh the import/ export is a buggy mess. I logged a ticket about it but have not gotten a response. I believe it uses the primary display settings when importing and exporting. You pretty much have to match the display environment of the user who exported. And if the user who exported had 2 different monitors with 2 different dpi settings well I am Afraid it probably was corrupted on export. In that case there is nothing you can do. Making your own panel isn't hard though. See this thread half way down:
  7. Yeh, you mentioned in other posts about turbo boost. I have it disabled and it reports the Same as Aida. But doesn’t turbo boost count for something Performance wise?
  8. Just curious, I know Aida 64 calculates cpu utilization differently than windows task manager does. Why would Aida do it differently, is one way better? I am sure there is a reason, like I said just wanted to know.
  9. @Fiery It's better. Just curious. Why does aida64 calculate differently than windows? You mention Windows considers turboboost? Is one calculation better than the other? Could you elaborate this a little?
  10. I will update to 22h2 and give it a go, soon.
  11. @Fiery Thank you for the update. While most of us knew that this is a Windows 11 bug, we were more upset of the fact we were not getting much of a explanation as to why other programs have found work arounds and Aida64 has not. Thanks for the explanation, this makes sense. On the support side, Aida has been very quiet as of late. Some of the paid customers have filed tickets about this issue and never received a response. Me included. So naturally it's going to be frustrating to your customers when we don't get any answers, good or bad. Microsoft has Hundreds of doors to bang on (which door do we bang on?), and a good majority of your customers don't know the difference and/or won't be able to explain what is happening clearly in a support ticket to Microsoft. Lots of people don't understand testing methodology, test environments, outside variables etc. So we come to you for help hoping that Aida can work with Microsoft as an advocate for us and for it's software. As a software developer myself, my team is always trying to find workarounds to problems outside of our control. There are plenty of people, me included that would like to help test this bug with you and help narrow down a cause. Maybe a good start would be to create a new Form Topic for incorrect CPU usage and have people post system specs, screen shots etc and start from there? That way support team could reach out. Thanks for the temporary workaround in the next beta build. Let us know if you need any help diagnosing this issue in the future.
  12. They are aware of the issue. It is a Microsoft issue. But there are obviously work arounds for the time being. Aida has chosen not to implement this. Aida64 has been quiet as of late on this issue as well... Multiple support tickets have been submitted from many people. Unfortunately, they choose not to respond to most of these. I have filed a couple myself and have gotten zero response. Even though they say they expedite paying customers with keys. This was 2 weeks ago. A formal post about this issue would go a long way. Transparency is always best in these situations, rather than leaving your paying customers guessing. Yes, I have pretty much thrown in the towel on Aida64. I am definitely not paying for it again after my subscription is done. Why should I pay for broken software? I had to do a clean install of windows 11 21h2 and turn off updates to get correct values again. I have no idea if they are still working on a fix or if they are hoping Microsoft will have a hot fix soon. Since it's been this long (3 months), I am not holding my breath for Microsoft. @Fiery can we have an update on this. What is the plan? This is still an issue.
  13. I have a similar issue. The panel has issues with scaling. It looks at the primary monitor for scaling. You can look at my post here about it...https://forums.aida64.com/topic/10705-cpumodel-gives-unknown-error/ Scroll down to the new issue part.
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