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Владислав Тютьков

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Владислав Тютьков last won the day on January 6

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  1. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 1024*600 2024-08-22.sensorpanel
  2. xpress 1024-600.sensorpanel 2023-12-04_2.sensorpanel
  3. Thank you, but I don’t have a SensorPanel, but an LCD AX206, so the resolution is unchanged and fixed. Aida64 current version. I’ll try to launch it in the act
  4. Hi all! I ran into a problem: I bought a 3.5-inch display, ax206 for aida64, 480*230 Connected. Works. But once a second there are microfreezes and freezing in aida64. These stutters also affect games. Maybe this can be fixed somehow? Maybe I configured something wrong?
  5. 2021-02-12.sensorpanel
  6. https://vi.aliexpress.com/item/1005001664167447.html asked the seller for this display, he gave a download link, but there is only for a display 1920 * 480
  7. IPS1920X480-4.sensorpanel IPS1920X480-6 ASUS.sensorpanel
  8. Hello! Does anyone have a pattern like this? 1920 * 480 Please share
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