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kejsii last won the day on September 26 2022

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  1. My favourite long long time with some modifications I didn`t create this one and it was so long that i don`t remember who was the author 2023-10-12.sensorpanel
  2. Thank you for that beautiful panel and for sharing
  3. Looking better now Thanks
  4. HI, what font do you use because there is anything with package. Thanks for answer
  5. again you have exactly mine style, what i like .Thanks
  6. all your panels are very good,thanks again
  7. Love it,it have all i need.Thanks
  8. Not my project but i changed couple of things, left place if someone want to add GPU clock Sensor 1920x480 2022-09-26.sensorpanel
  9. can you share?
  10. to be honest with you, I don`t know if this will change anything. I don't will continue to quite people who want to sell them, don't have time for it to discuss again. Anyway i will end this discussion. Peace
  11. its ok,fair enough. If someone feel offended im sorry this is not my intention. I don`t agree if someone selling panels because i don't want if this forum later will change to ``sell your panel`` but i get your point
  12. yes this is sad, but some people download panel and then they do a rework and they add some new ideas and add original author in post and that is good,some are really nice not all people are bad. I done one like that (little remastered)but author told me i need delete it because he is selling them,so i delete mine remaster from forum And about IAmOrion user ...i seen that rule but i don`t will search for it again, I don't will spend my time to proof you my point, I prefers just report
  13. who is looking for it will find. I stop doing discusses here, its not place for it,
  14. so why you start discuss with me if i don't even mention you, it was to the author of panel what you bought
  15. you force people to buying, you can share panel and give PayPal for those who want to donate, if i contribute or not its not your business-some people have more time some don`t-do not judge if you don`t know me, its against the rules do commercial here.I don't will discuss with you anymore here, if you want something pm me
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