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Everything posted by Benni231990

  1. Hello Aida reads the wrong Core Clock allways it reads 100.1 Bus Clock and so is the CPU Clock wrong Pls fix this
  2. BIG BIG Thanks in the new Beta Bank switch was not Enable after Enable T Sensor works
  3. Fans and Vcore are working great now but no T Sensor und the CPU Package power is wrong when you use Bypass mode
  4. Hello I upgradet my PC to a Asus z890 Strix-E and a 285k but in AIDA shows NO FANS and NO T SENSOR in ASUS Armoury Crate i see all my Fans and the T Sensor In the Settings on stability i checked EC Support and Bank switch but no changes and i use version 7.40.7100 And can you please Add the normal cpu Temp and not only Show the cpu package? Because when you switch switch from dlvr Mode to Bypass Mode the cpu package Shows only the hottest core and the correct Temperatur ist the normal cpu temp And when you switch to Bypass Mode the Power read is also wrong in the Bypass or Gate Mode the correct Power ist now vrm vcore Power out can you also please Add this for correct Power output
  5. Hello! i have a little problem when i boot my sytem to windows i have no ddr5 temp in my sensor panel and in aida64 a few days later the temp shows up after the boot in aida64 and sensor panel but i changed nothing. I enable in stability Dimm sensor In checked it on Hwinfo i have allways the temp on every boot to windows
  6. Hello! i found a little bug Aida could not read my T-sensor from starting in to windows i allways must start ASUS Amoury Crate and go to temps after i click that the Sensor appears in AIDA64 every boot i need to do that Asus Z690 Strix-E and the sensor i connected directly to the mainboard
  7. ok understood is it possible you can add the Effectiv GPU Clock like HWinfo did it?
  8. hello! im searching the 4090 Effectiv Clock but i cant find them on Aida64 i only find the Normal GPU Clock? is this a bug? When not can you add the Effectiv clock to Aida?
  9. it works freat +-1-2% over the task manger so it works great
  10. Perfect is in this beta also the CPU fixed?
  11. no its allways jumps between 3-5 Degrees but average 4 degrees
  12. So can you fix this temp bug with the next beta??
  13. Here the same Aida says 2-3% but realworld ingame it is 30-40%
  14. you can change it when you want
  15. Hi i made my first custom panel 1920x1080 have fun and customize and change as much as you want 1920x1080_custom_panel.sensorpanel
  16. hi The temp sensor from the 4090 GPU Diode is wrong i checked the Temp with Afterburner und Hwinfo and they have the same Temp but only in Aida the Temp is way more higher (Screen below) and the Core Workload is absolute wrong from the 12900k in the screen you see 20% but Aida says 3-4% Win11 22H2 4090 Temps
  17. Hello! I found a little bug on Aida with my z690 Asus Strix F with the T-sensor When i Start aida with Windows i dont have a T-sensor Temperature it says N/A but when i start Asus Amoury Crate and look for the temps Aida now shows the Temp from the sensor on every start or reboot from the system i allways must start Amoury Crate first to get a Temperature from the T-sensor in Aida
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