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Everything posted by Rolenko27

  1. It's fake, u can't use animated gifs on aida's sensor panels.
  2. Lucas L. PluvierNick Clegg I already uploaded on this post.
  3. Sure.Gauges.zip
  4. I made a few scale corrections and adds on my panel. Sharing this new version. 2021-03-03.sensorpanel
  5. I'm working on a dragon ball theme. 800x480. Goku and Trunks transform into Supersayan depending on the CPU/GPU load Idle Medium load Full load DRAGONBALLv1.sensorpanel
  6. New version. Added some new gauges. Idle. Full Load.
  7. Sure. 800x480. DAFUNKv2_sensorpanel.7ba3d12b4426fa4bae3c950b79393814
  8. Daft Punk theme
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