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  1. @Tony Lou (and other): I apologize for the unnecessary post... I only later saw that the "problem" was solved.
  2. click on "Preferences": and then set the sensor panel to be visible: and click OK. Then, when you see it, right-click on the sensor panel, click on "Import" select your sensorpanel, and you're good to go. 😎
  3. sorry, only after the "refresh" screen did it appear that you were looking for a 1024x600 template.
  4. morning, download file in the same post you "quote":in the same post you "quote":
  5. Hi Hitch, Unfortunately you can't export the gauge BUT you can, in the Aida64.Install.Folder / SensorPanel, find 16 png's (or more) that make up one gauge and copy them to a new folder with a name for example NewGauge. Then you create a new gauge and, through the SensorPanelManager, assign each of the 16 png's through Custom gauge / States settings
  6. try to unpack the *.rar file B.R.
  7. A very nice mess (in your picture). de E79XP
  8. Welches Blutzuckermessgerät verwendest du?? or Which glucose meter do you use? (translate.google.com)
  9. I'm sorry but my graphics skills are ZERO. i am "old school" and i use the "Retro Digital" sensor panel i found here extended by gauges, also found here. BIG THANK YOU to the original creators:
  10. I don't know what the original template looked like, but if you import this one, you will be able to multiply the existing gauges and / or add new ones from other sensor panels. Unfortunately, you will have to do something yourself.
  11. Below screenshot:
  12. Hi, You can right click on sensor panet on your screen and chose: "SensorPanel Manager" and then click on "Export"
  13. Hi, This font is DS-Digital I think: I use same font.
  14. just enough of RAM: 128GB.
  15. Hi, This is "progres" bar of disk space usage. 34% = disk usage C: \, 159 = occupied GB and 306 free GB on C: \ disk. 38 = its temperature. I apologize for the inaccuracy of the answer. BR, Nino.
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