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Anthony Kolka

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Everything posted by Anthony Kolka

  1. Firmware totally worked! Thanks for sharing @SithHellscream!!
  2. I had this same problem. Tried on multiple hosts. They actually sent me a replacement display which also had the same issue. I am going to try this firmware.
  3. Emboss mode
  4. I think a thread titled "sell your sensorpanel" would be appropriate.
  5. Agreed, I already posted a feature suggestion that they have a separate panel editor program.
  6. Looks fantastic!
  7. Sounds like a waste of system resources, but you do you
  8. Yeah, it's built into windows as well. https://www.howtogeek.com/704597/how-to-quickly-resize-multiple-images-on-windows-10/#:~:text=Select a group of images,and then click “Resize.”
  9. You need RivaTuner
  10. Fantastic work! What is the font?
  11. Export it and compress the export.
  12. As a software engineer: GROSS. lol
  13. Good practice, Virus Total also does an awesome job of scanning pre-download. If these files had an infection they have been cleaned. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/fa4f9f37cdef5ebe8c73e8f9f881980fcc087ed263614e434f312f81a1439344?nocache=1
  14. Read back a bit. He had a long conversation with others about using multiple graphs and transparency to achieve a greater level of gauge specificity.
  15. Layer multiple gauges on top of each other with transparencies. Have each gauge handle a portion of the range.
  16. The nakey boards are what you are going for waveshare has some nice ones and I have purchased several from them. Also elecrow.
  17. Looking through the file it looks like the fonts are called 'DSEG14 Modern Mini' and 'DSEG7 Modern'. I found these hosted at https://www.keshikan.net/fonts-e.html
  18. Fantastic work. What are the fonts and resolution?
  19. That's "display scaling" and it affects everything.
  20. You should probably make your own thread for this.
  21. It's not Aida doing it, maybe a screensaver or some other program.
  22. Very nice, even if it is a razer theme Would you mind sharing the gauges? Or just this .sensorpanel file? If not that's cool.
  23. Extra post delete
  24. Extra post delete, the save button seemed to not be working
  25. Since you asked for opinions... It reminds me of horrible retro styled winamp skins from the 90's and early 2000's.
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