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asendedazn last won the day on November 18 2024

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    2. bent98
    3. bent98
    4. bent98


      I just spent day updating your changes. Please use this as most up to date.

      please take a look at attached screenshot.

      These changes should make it final. I really appreciate your help!!!

      1) The small bars to the right are a little too small. can you please make them slightly wider and a tad thicker to correspond with the text? Its the 0 150 15- 15 pngs

      2), Can you please make a rainbow box graphic gauge  to fit inside motherboard pci slot?

      3) can you please resize rainbow asus graphic in center smaller to fit better for its position

      4) the Liquid for temp graphic its awesome. Can you make it so there is a thin boarder around it the water drop image? It gets lost a little against the white background. (water.png 0-15)

      5) can you tell me what RGB colors are similar to ones in the rainbow bar? I'd like to use those exact colors in the utilization graphics.


      rainbow final.png

      sensorpanel rainbow v1.0.sensorpanel

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