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Lobo Blanco 1002

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Lobo Blanco 1002 last won the day on April 14 2021

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  1. 1810731308_1280x400LoboBlanco1002.rar
  2. 1920x480 LoboBlanco 1002.rar
  3. Hello everyone, after a long time I am again sharing a mini update of my sensor panel, because I recently restored my PC and everything was unconfigured, so I took the opportunity to correct or edit a couple of things. I also took advantage of making a version in 1280x400 format...I hope you like it like the original format. Regards 1920x480 1280x400
  4. I edited the post to add the general configuration, since I don't know what the solution to that bug is
  5. Maybe when I do v2, since I want to animate the CPU core image and better organize the fans section.
  6. Hello, I share my 1920x480 v1.0 sensor panel, which I made practically from scratch, since the original panel that someone shared in the group was another format and was not operational since there were many gif formats. For the same reason I remade each existing element and created several more, according to my needs. It is quite editable and I hope it will be useful to you. edit: Apparently some have had trouble importing the template, but I think these are software resizing bug as it happened to me with other sensor panels I downloaded so I don't know what the solution is. For now, I share the values of the general configuration, which can help to leave everything in the correct position, although the sizes of the texts could also be incorrectly configured due to the same bug. 370574974_1920x480Blue-PinkSensorPanelv1.0_sensorpanel.7391e93bf728c1b5202ac7b8a6e36559
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