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Everything posted by pasgener

  1. So far so good! Works for my PCs that have 3090 and 1070 video cards. The Aida64 VRAM temp matches the HWInfo GPU Memory Junction value for my 3090, and the Aida64 GPU Hotspot value matches the HWInfo GPU Hotspot value for my 1070. This is a great addition and is now featured on my SensorPanels. Thanks!
  2. So far so good! Works for my PCs that have 3090 and 1070 video cards. The Aida64 VRAM temp matches the HWInfo GPU Memory Junction value for my 3090, and the Aida64 GPU Hotspot value matches the HWInfo GPU Hotspot value for my 1070. This is a great addition and is now featured on my SensorPanels. Thanks!
  3. Terrific, look forward to it
  4. I also would like to GPU VRAM temperature to be included in Aida64. In HWInfo64 it is called the GPU Memory Junction Temperature, and is distinct (and much higher) than the GPU diode. I have an MSI 3090 Gaming X Trio, and would find this a really useful addition to my Aida64 SensorPanel. I have attached my GPU Register and SMBus Dump text files, but I can't find the VRAM temp in them. HWInfo64 can read that data, as can NiceHash.nvidiagpureg.txtnvidiasmbusdump.txt
  5. I quite like Aida64: especially the SensorPanel and LCD option to stream the SensorPanel via a browser. If only they would add the VRAM/GPU Memory Junction Temp . . . As it is now I run both Aida64 and HWInfo, and use HWInfo for the VRAM temp -- but having it all in Aida64 would be better!
  6. I'd like the same feature added to Aida64 Extreme. HWInfo does include sensor data for GPU Memory Junction Temperature (which is the VRAM temp) and is very useful for my MSI Gaming X Trio 3090. I would love to be able to add this data to my Aida64 SensorPanel. Thanks.
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