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  1. Done finally. Had trouble resizing the gauge. Quite happy with the end result. Anyway here it is. First thing you need to do is unpack the file. Install the "DENMARK" font. Open AIDA64 and import "Clean White RGB 480 x 800.sensorpanel". That's it and enjoy. P.S. I do not have Drives D and F so you have to tweak them in sensorpanel manager. Their values are from free spaces of drive C and E. I've also included the PSD file for you to edit out the contents on the background image. I messed up and did not save the final PSD but exported the final PNG. Credits to the original creator of this panel. Thank you so much. Clean White RGB 480 x 800.zip
  2. Downsized the "Clean White RGB" sensor panel to 480 x 800. I'm still new to this, but I'm happy how it turned out.
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