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  1. Awesome, thanks heaps for the info. Shall look all that up, and see what I can get. Having a black case myself, it absorbs quite a bit of the light from the minimal RGB fans that I have, even on brightest white.
  2. What Light is that at the top of the case? (sorry for off topic...)
  3. That is cool, gonna meld some of your ideas. Gonna do a vertical one too I think, and try and find a Samsung charger dock so I dont have a cable hanging out the side of my preferred device. Turned out the Samsung Note 2 was a bit too small for my eye sight and what I wanted to cram in. Gone and salvaged an un-used Galaxy Tab S 8.4 and upscaled to 2560x1600. Lotsa trial and error...
  4. I've pretty much done the exact same thing , going back through just about every page and getting ideas. Gonna share what I'm working on at the moment, not quite finished yet as it is a labor of love to get through considering the effort and how many people have amazing ideas as well. Have revived my Samsung note 2 (has the ballpark 720p screen resolution as most people are making panels for) I've gone the Cyberpunk 2077 route, love the ones that people have done. I've gone with a different tone... not finished yet and most likely will change things as I go.
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