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  1. Thanks for reply, do you have ETA for new beta?
  2. Hi, title says basically everything, I swaped 6600XT for 7900XT and suddenly there is no GPU power sensors section in sensor panel no more. On top of that vram clock readings shows values up to 20000 MHz, 10 times more it should be. I'm on windows 10 64bit and 2 monitor setup. Main 4K OLED LG on HDMI cable and secondary 5inch LCD on usb-c connection. Both set to 60Hz.
  3. I have an issue with Aida 64 extreme. GPU power sensor disappears after waking up from sleep. Sensor panel shows N/A instead of power readings. Restarting Aida fixes the problem, but it would be nice not have to restart it every time PC wakes from sleep. I have latest stable version of Aida and GPU drivers. My GPU is RX480 Sapphire nitro+. Anyone had similar problem or knows how to fix this?
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