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  1. I banged out a vector version for fun. Yes...I consider that fun. I'm weird that way. It's an Illustrator PDF - if you need another format just let me know. Also I used the Appearance palette to make the 3-part line but I have no idea what other vector software will do with it. Frame.pdf
  2. What you're looking for is Asset Export. The video below explains the different automated export options, and Asset Export starts around 3:35 into the video.
  3. Some people are only truly happy when they're miserable. I've found creative inspiration among all the panels; even the ones that were just screenshots of commercial files.
  4. 408 pages of posts. Probably 50 pages of panels for sale, but twice as many pages full of people complaining about how it pollutes this topic. NICE.
  5. A zip file with the sensorpanel was attached to that post. While the poster might have been pushing people to their commercial website, the "NEW rules" appear to have been followed just perfectly.
  6. Is RTSS running on your computer? Aida64 doesn't read FPS directly; it pulls that info from RTSS. Also, you do need to be actively in a game for it to read anything other than 0.
  7. Looks great! If you want to put meaningful info on the right side of the RAM, maybe you could put the timings there. Otherwise maybe just make that side darker, so it stands out better from the background...it'll look less like unused space.
  8. Digging that look. Is the texture on the type part of the font, or is it a transparent overlay as your topmost object?
  9. OK after seeing the post directly above this one: what about just using a numeric display for whatever you need, and using an LED or LCD font to display it? Seems like a lot less work if that will meet your needs...
  10. Just spitballing here, but maybe make your first and last images totally empty? Then you can layer everything on top of the other instances. If you do that you'd be limiting yourself to 14 active states, so you need 8 separate meters total.
  11. Your fonts are all wrong. Sometimes all it takes to fix the layout issue is to install the appropriate fonts.
  12. If I share with this group that I stacked firewood all weekend long, I can assure you from personal experience that this does not mean that any of you helped me do it.
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