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Aayk last won the day on March 5

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  1. Exactly the same problem, constant reboots with aida64 enabled, newer versions of the program did not solve the problem, still the screen and restart. Ryzen 9 5900X, ROG STRIX B550-XE GAMING WIFI, DDR4 32GB, 6900XT
  2. Thank you very much for such an excellent adaptation, I am glad that my developments influenced this, you saved a lot of time for all of us.
  3. Hi there , I'am Remade sensorpanel NZXT for yourself, more functionality, a separate FPS panel, frequency and ms. , and much more, maybe someone will need it too, also plans include adapting this panel for a resolution of 1024x600 NZXT rmk. by Ayk 1920x1080.sensorpanel
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