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downpour77 last won the day on October 16 2021

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  1. Here are some....
  2. Finished sensor panel "DASH"...it's 600x1024 Dash_sensorpanel.27f9701ef54acfb887bb223ae7895314
  3. Anew panel I'm working on...
  4. Almost done working on this one....
  5. Something a little different....I haven't seen any square gauges on here, so I created some. "Square" Panel is 600x1024 Square.sensorpanel
  6. Here is another sensor panel...600x1024..."Horseshoe Red" I included the Font also. 1835077294_HorseshoeRed.zip
  7. Working on a new version of my last sensor panel...
  8. Finished My Newest Panel. "Long Side" 600x1024. I've included the fonts I used. 1432656083_LongSideSensorPanelplusFonts.zip
  9. A New Panel I'm Working On...Still Have Some More Work To Do.
  10. 600x1024 Sensor Panel...
  11. I Zipped up the file 1802073200_SideBar.zip
  12. 600x1024 Panel "Side Bar". The file is to large to upload I'll see if I can down size it
  13. Sifi Board Sensor Panel 600x1024 379008374_SifiBoard_sensorpanel.90ebde71d972776fa64f224fbdd621b1
  14. Here is another sensor panel I created....600x1024
  15. It's called digital-7
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