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  1. Here you go. Thanks so much for taking a look at this! ISA Sensor Dump.txt EC Dump.txt
  2. G'day all, Just swapped from an Asus Extreme z690 to the Classified z690 and noticed that Aida's not picking up any of my fans headers. As a result, I can't display fan or pump RPMs in my sensor panel as normal. Realize the EVGA boards aren't the most common, but has anybody else experienced this? Thanks! EC Dump.txt ISA Sensor Dump.txt
  3. You'd need to modify the backdrop image and move the sensors around. I don't have a panel that size to make the adjustments.
  4. Apologies for the delay. holidays. :-) It was Denmark (attached). DENMARK.ttf
  5. It's already shared here:
  6. Here you go. Enjoy. 2021-10-26.sensorpanel (Orig. Como_Stella, Mod. NeuroMortis).zip
  7. Just wanted to thank Como_Stella for the submission. I was able to take your contribution and customize it to suit my own needs and absolutely love it. Thanks so much!
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