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Everything posted by de_Carabas

  1. The most recent is the one Phanteks just released. Phanteks 5.5" Hi-Res Display PH-HRLCD_WT01
  2. OK, I guess I'm a glutton for punishment. I disconnected my small lcd panel, but decided to give Sensor Panel one more try. I got it all set up the way I wanted, keeping an eye on the memory usage the whole time. While I was working on the panel setup, it started out around 80mb, and eventually climbed to around 110mb. Then I setup the panel on my secondary monitor, and set to gaming. One hour of GTA V, ultra settings, 120fps frame limit, no freezing/lockup. Followed that with an hour of Starfield, also all ultra, no frame cap, still no problems. Also, the memory usage while gaming dropped to around 10-11mb. I'll keep the Sensor Panel up for the indefinite future, to see if it's going to try to freeze on me at any point. So far, the only common factor in all of my lockup situations is the existence of a small lcd monitor meant to operate as my sensor panel, which makes little sense. It's something I can live with if it continues to work on my secondary 24" monitor, because I don't need it while gaming.
  3. I responded to your post in general forums before I'd realized it was moved here. I've had the same issue. 5900x 6900XT Liquid Devil Gigabyte Aorus x570 Xtreme 32gb DDR4 Last year I tried to do a sensor panel in my PC, and had the same issue with random lockups. These would require a hard reset, and often (but not always) would require re-installing GPU drivers from scratch. For a while I thought my GPU might've been bad, as I had installed it and the sensor panel screen at the same time. But once I disconnected the lcd panel and turned off Sensor Panel in Aida64, the issue stopped entirely. Recently, after reading your post, I did a little more research, and found another person in these forums with the same issue. They claimed that if you turned off "vram usage" in Sensor Panel, it fixed the problem. So I started tinkering with Sensor Panel this morning, had the default panel on my main screen as I started to work on it, and 20 minutes later, my system locked up. I did not have "vram usage" up on the panel. I had to hard reset, and download and install new drivers, as Windows reported that my display driver failed to load and I was locked at 640x480. I'm going to wash my hands of the whole sensor panel project. Aidda64 runs fine for me otherwise, it's only when Sensor Panel is on. I've wasted way too much time and frustration on it at this point for what little return it gives me. Good luck on your panel, and do let me know if you figure it out.
  4. I did a little more research, and found someone else with the same problem. They claimed that displaying "vram usage" was the culprit. Once they removed that reading from their sensor panel, everything worked fine.
  5. I had this same issue last year. I was in the process of upgrading my GPU so I could give my previous one to my brother in law for his build. At the same time as the GPU swap, I installed a 7" lcd screen for use with Aida64 Sensor Panel. At what seemed like completely random times, my system would lock up exactly as OP described. Sometimes it would be a few hours, sometimes as little as 5 minutes. Sometimes would be a full lockup, other times only video would freeze, and I would continue to hear audio (but not be able to command the system to do anything). A hard reset was always required, often followed by a message that my graphics driver had dismounted. Other times, there would simply be no graphics driver and Windows would boot in at 640x480 until I could install a fresh driver. For the longest time I thought the GPU was the issue, as it had been installed at the same time as I started using the sensor panel. After disconnecting the screen and disabling the Aida64 software (I did not have to uninstall the software), all lockups stopped. I just went without a screen after that because of the headache it caused. HW: AMD 5900x Powercolor 6900XT Liquid Devil Gigabyte Aurus x570 Xtreme
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