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    Queensland - Australia
  • Interests
    My ShihTzu Fur Babies, Computer Hardware Software, Gaming, Streaming, Collecting NECA Predators.

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  1. Hi and thank you so very much for taking the time to reply to my post. Very much appreciated. I am still learning how to use AIDA64, but I am a pretty quick learner when I have the time to sit down by myself and read up on things or the good ol trial and error routine, LOL. Thanks for the tip and I will certainly look into this. Once again, thank you for taking the time to reply to most and have a great day :).
  2. Hello Peeps, how are we all? I hope everyone is doing great and they are well. This is my first post on the forum and I am new to ADIA64, but not new to the IT industry, or using Photoshop. I currently have a 2.8" GoOverlay that I am using. I have also made panels for this in the past. But a couple months back I purchased a Eyoyo IPS 8Inch Monitor so that I could have a bigger screen and use AIDA64 for with it. So what I was wondering was. Can someone please point me in the direction of where I can find some dials as I would like to create some profiles and of course will share them with everyone here. Dials I am currently seeking are ones that are space orientated if possible? I realise I can make my own in Photoshop. But I am looking to create a profile in a hurry so to speak. I realise that there is so many beautiful profiles here already and I have downloaded some. But I would really like to create my own Predator profile as I love the movies and I am so looking forward to the TV Series coming out soon. I am also collect NECA Predators and I currently have over sixty of them. Plus my new computer that I just built (although still in the process of adding more to it) is based on a Predator theme. So any help with obtaning some dials or meters would be very much appreciated. Thank you in advanced and stay safe everyone.
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