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ANDREJ71 last won the day on August 6 2022

ANDREJ71 had the most liked content!

About ANDREJ71

  • Birthday 03/11/1971

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    minden ami számitás tecnika

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  1. FREEDOM OF THE PRESS IS OVER! that's how it is, the competition and those who spoil the business must be banned!!!! I just don't know how to appoint a person who posts the most on the site as moderator. because according to them, whoever he doesn't like, he can simply ban him from the page. since you've been hanging out here, I don't come up much just to laugh. no, you can block me now, but I think it was not in vain that they wanted to hold a moderator vote, because you have already gained power on the site and by banning the former forum member, you prove that you live with it. only a few speak up like me because, unlike me, they are afraid of being banned. congratulations, you now have milk power on the site.
  2. yes, unfortunately, we live in such a world, so don't bother those who sell on the site
  3. why? who donates to others? who share panels for free? do you need it for the electricity bill?
  4. Hi! I want a 1024 x 600 version. thank you very much, nice panel
  5. can you control them without the icue software? or what controls the vents then? because then the corsair comender pro is useless too, isn't it?
  6. Think the author was Antonio
  7. Think the author was Antonio
  8. thank you to antonio for this beautiful panel, it's a shame he didn't share it with us
  9. YES! I use RSLCD Viewer, perfect, great
  10. I am posting this picture because someone asked about the measuring instruments for the rslcd panel. I don't know who the author is!!!! I would just like to show with this picture that someone solved the individual display problem
  11. yes, unfortunately no, but if anyone has any good tips, I'd appreciate it, for example, I've already seen that a custom sensor is used in rslcd, I'd post a picture, but maybe the author could talk about it
  12. we are eagerly waiting for it to be ready, so far it's going well
  13. I don't think you want to share it, but thank you
  14. I don't think there is anything offensive about who is the priest and whose is the priest
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