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Everything posted by UndeadRoss

  1. Wow love it thanks so much !
  2. I saw alot of cool movie themed panels and some really cool gauges so i decided to make my own Star Wars inspired Panel, Its my first panel so apologies if it is not very well made, it uses the gauges from the great @Como_Stella Clean White RGB Panel, i wanted it to be simple and symmetrical so here it is.... (it is in 800x480 btw) StarWarsPanelByUndeadRoss.sensorpanel
  3. Same looks so good
  4. Hello just wondering if anyone has any nice white styled panels in 800x480 as i have a white case and i loved the Clean White RGB Panel made by a user but it is in 1920x480. So if anyone could resize the panel (linked down below) or send me some good alternatives i would really appreciate it! Clean White RGB.rar
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