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Stove last won the day on February 18 2022

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  1. Still trying out some new things. Unfortunately I wasn't able to separate the placement of the background bars/gauges without it looking terrible so you won't be able to move them around, unless you're decent at photoshop haha. 600x1024 again. Sensor panel file is included in the zip but has my components filled out. There's a blank version you can use instead. Grey Teal Panel.zip
  2. Trying to teach myself photoshop so this took a lot longer than it should have. Was trying to recreate the NZXT Cam theme but with a twist. It's 600x1024. Enjoy! Sensor Panel.zip
  3. Oops, ya sorry about that. Here it is. I'll include it in the original post too. 850972197_LFASensorPanel_sensorpanel.95650e72d4b8b84ad2f88ed0df71168e
  4. This is for all the 600x1024 people out there. I had a hard time trying to come up with a design for a vertical layout and ended up with this. It's based off the speedometer from a Lexus LFA. I'm still trying to fiddle with the gauge values and font sizes but thought I'd share anyways so you guys can modify it to your liking. I've learned a lot from everyone else sharing and posting their panels so here you go. Enjoy! LFA Panel.zip 1806710083_LFASensorPanelv3_sensorpanel.329e1b9cb5bc1c585d75ef0e13e26046
  5. I loved this one so much I had to use it. I just made a couple changes to match my build. Hope that's ok. All credit goes to zér0Kelvin though. Inverted Sensor Panel.sensorpanel
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