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Everything posted by b0005272

  1. wanted to say thank you for the screen shot on the setting. I needed this myself. Worked great for me also.
  2. This is exactly what I needed. Thank you so much. I need to play with it because changing the resolution makes the image stretch but I will have a new fallout panel soon. THANK YOU AGAIN!!!
  3. This is amazing. Is there any chance you can format it for the 1920X480 if not maybe just the background image can be formatted? I'm not sure, but this looks amazing and I would like one. Thank youFallout_1024x600.sensorpanel Edit: meant this to be on the Fallout item. sorry.
  4. Awesome links! THANK YOU!!!
  5. Hi I'm sorry i want to give credit to the person who helped me with the board layout but this is my first attempt to a Godzilla theme. Can someone help me clean it up and maybe add a few more items. Thank you. Sensorpanel060323.sensorpanel
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