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Everything posted by mlpdoctortardis

  1. hay first of all thank you! and second no unfortunately i don't have a video i just worked it out as i went along the GPU is on a vertical mount that i screwed into the side of the wood with some bolts witch allowed if to stand far enough in so i could still plug in my cables then i bought a really long cable its by Thermaltake its a tt platinum 1m long PCIe 3.0 extender cable and kind of folded it to fit nicely behind and out a small hole in the back of the wooden hexagon, now the lights in the hexagon are just normal LEDs that run off my motherboard there run all around the side sandwiched in-between a mirror and a 1 way mirrored window film over some plexiglass that's if for the GPU I'm sure you could find plenty of how two's on YouTube though! as for the case it was a limited edition i got from scan pc back in i think it was 2009 its a mini itx build i have my parts listed out on pc parts picker here: T.A.R.D.I.S by MLPdoctorTARDIS - AMD Ryzen 7 2700, GeForce RTX 2070 - PCPartPicker hope that helps anyway sorry it took so long to reply!!
  2. whats that cpu cooler? its awesome! lush build!
  3. made this for my custom doctor who tardis pc thankx for everyones help on here making this possable 1340878968_drwhov4.sensorpanel
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