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jobedeyo last won the day on August 30 2024

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  1. I started rewatching the Terminator movies and decides to make something that looks a bit like the interface of the Terminator, nothing fancy and pretty rough, but I like it.
  2. Here you go. I'd be glad to hear some ideas how to improve and/or add some more information to the panel. Chrome Rings with Rainbow Gauges 2.sensorpanel
  3. Made my own Kirby them with the help of a template from @philipfreire, visit him at https://moderno.freire.ca/ Other material used: Kirby logo image from here: https://www.deviantart.com/twdyeskaiwei99no/art/Warner-Bros-Nintendo-Kirby-logo-962827736 Background wallpaper from here: https://wallhere.com/en/wallpaper/664185 In any case, enjoy and don't ask me to resize it or make another resolution, cause I won't, I don't have time, sorry. Kirby.sensorpanel
  4. I can do that, yes. You might actually have to look for the font, I do not remember which I used. Kena.sensorpanel
  5. As this thread is turning into a sales channel more or less and I mute more and more people who offer their stuff here, I am no longer willing to provide screenshots and files of the stuff that I do. This whole sales thing is ruining the spirit of this thread and it would be more than easy for AIDA64 admins to create a new channel for this. As this is not happening and as long this isn't made, I am done here (not that anybody would care..).
  6. I fear no, I could probably try to make one, but I got some private issues at the moment that don't leave me enough time. Could I somehow support you in a way so you might create it for yourself?
  7. Sorry, I am no good at horizontal styles or redoing existing ones. Maybe someone else may.
  8. I did not change the size of the objects, but just moved them closer together. I hope you still like it, I do not have much time to do a full rework, but you still should be able to resize the files if you see need. OrangeRingsV2_600x1024.sensorpanel
  9. I did some more work on the panel and added some metallic details to the gauges which are removable if not wanted. I added gauges for pretty much everything that I want to see, storage, fans, RAM.. Please let me know what you think. OrangeRings.sensorpanel
  10. I'd like your opinion on this part of a sensor panel I am thinking about, do you like the looks? I'd plan to make a complete panel in this design for CPU, GPU, RAM, system and so on.
  11. Some modification to my last panel, icons taken from flaticon.com
  12. Made a black version with more colors of this panel, with a font I downloaded at https://www.dafont.com/de/techfont.font, resolution 800x1280. black sensors techfont.sensorpanel
  13. No, thanks, I am not buying such stuff.
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