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Phasor Shift

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  1. Sure! Sent it off. And the original post is Here, if you want to check it out yourself. Credit where credit is due~
  2. It won't let me upload it here since the file is larger than 9.77 mb, but DM me your email and I'll send it to you that way
  3. An update to this, I spent a couple hours yesterday fiddling with it, and got it to where I'm satisfied. I actually opened it in GIMP (opensource photoshop) and did some of the laying out there, since I can import each graphic and it's a bit easier to line things up. Anyway, here's the final result, though I may decide I want to keep tweaking it as I think of more things I'd want to monitor. Again, I got this design from a forum post here by @Lobo Blanco 1002, so I can't claim any actual work on it. Edit: forgot to add a pic of how it looks installed. I'll clean up the cables a bit more later.
  4. I know the fonts are wrong. The original font did not come with the file, so any change I made to it dumped in a default font. I spent a long time looking for a font that I liked and I thought fit the theme, but unfortunately it is very w i d e. I don't think the fonts would affect where the icons end up on the screen.
  5. Hey, I recently got a 1920x480 screen for a sensor panel on my new PC. I really like this one by @Lobo Blanco 1002, but when I import it into mine, it comes out scaled and resized all wrong. This is how it is supposed to look: And this is how it looks after an hour or two of changing the fonts, adjusting for my system, and fiddling with size and position... I didn't remember to take a screen cap off how it looked when first imported, but I hadn't made much progress. Is there an easier fix for this? Is it a common occurrence? I think this happened with another panel I downloaded as well. Also, my first post, please let me know if I should have put this in another thread or made a new one. TIA.
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